Category Archives: News

Can hormones be tested as delayed allergies?

On this episode of “Ask Dr. J”, Dr. Russell Jaffe is asked if hormones can be tested as delayed allergies. Tune in to find out what Dr. J has to say!  Delayed allergies can contribute to many chronic conditions including: migraines, autoimmune problems, lupus, fibromyalgia, asthma, diabetes, thryroiditis, and rheumatoid arthritis, just to name

Are immediate allergies permanent?

On this episode of “Ask Dr. J”, Dr. Russell Jaffe is asked if immediate allergies are permanent, or if they can be changed, reduced or even cease to occur.  Delayed allergies can contribute to many chronic conditions including: migraines, autoimmune problems, lupus, fibromyalgia, asthma, diabetes, thryroiditis, and rheumatoid arthritis, just to name a few.